Corporate Self-Defense Workshops: Empower Your Team, Protect Your Future

Forward-thinking businesses and churches understand that their employees are their most valuable assets. That’s why more companies are investing in comprehensive wellness programs, which include self-defense training—a vital component for fostering security, confidence, and productivity in the workplace.

Get more information now!

Why Include Self-Defense in Your Corporate Wellness Program?

Self-defense is more than just physical protection—it plays a crucial role in maintaining overall well-being. When employees feel safe, they are more productive, focused, and engaged, leading to fewer absences and higher performance.

Feeling Safe is Essential to Success

To live a healthy and fulfilling life, we all need to feel secure—whether it’s personal safety, job stability, financial resources, health, or property protection. When employees don't feel safe, stress levels increase, leading to illness, lack of focus, and decreased productivity. Workplace self-defense training can proactively address these concerns.

Preventing Workplace Violence Starts with Preparedness

Our self-defense workshops teach employees to recognize potential threats and provide simple, effective tools for preventing violence before it happens. A small investment in employee training can have significant long-term benefits, safeguarding both staff and business.

Benefits of Corporate Self-Defense Training Include:

  • Increased Employee Awareness: Equip your team with the knowledge to recognize and avoid dangerous situations.

  • Confidence Building: Empower employees to feel more secure in their environment, boosting morale and productivity.

  • Team Building: Strengthen bonds among employees with interactive, collaborative training sessions.

  • Improved Decision-Making Skills: Teach employees how to think strategically and respond quickly in high-pressure situations.

  • Stress Relief & Management: Provide a productive outlet for stress through physical and mental engagement.

  • Assertiveness, Not Aggression: Develop the ability to assertively handle conflict without escalating aggression.

  • Verbal Conflict Resolution: Equip your staff with tools for de-escalating verbal confrontations.

  • Problem-Solving & Strategic Thinking: Enhance critical thinking skills that translate to both workplace challenges and personal safety.

Take Action Today: Protect Your Team with a Corporate Self-Defense Workshop

Investing in employee safety and well-being pays off with a healthier, more productive workforce. Contact us to schedule a self-defense seminar tailored to your organization’s needs.

About: Joel T. Basham is a 4thº Black Belt, with two state Championships. He has over 20 years experience in the martial arts, public speaking, and coaching. He’s a certified master life coach, and founder of Lion Martial Arts. All three of his children are now black belts and also train with him at Lion Martial Arts, Chanute Kansas

His seminars are as informational, as they are inspirational. While this program mostly focuses on self defense he has other seminars and “Talks” that focus on life coaching topics such as purpose, business, goals, and life!